Women… (What’s going on?)

Ello Sweets! 
Thank you for stopping by!

Today, I want to touch on something that is strictly for the ladies! Men, you are welcome to read and share this if you agree and if you have learned something. Also, this will not be a male bashing session so you can reside here safely and proceed with ease.

Here we go…

Ladies…What has happened to us? Where are we trying to go? What are we building to? What are we doing? 

One would think with all that we have learned, that we as women would be more advanced, but the truth is in today’s society, we are far from it…well most of us. We now live in a society that degrades most women and makes us feel like we are pieces of meat and furniture. We allow tools such as media to tear us down and define our value. We fall into visual standards that aren’t real and we make this alright by conforming. Worst of all, we turn on one another! We set standards for one another and create limits on our sisters. We become obstacles for other females but yet we offer a helping hand to those whom we may very well have helped tear down, and we may not even know it. We are partially to blame for most of the pressures brought on my society. We are not exempt from society. 

Why do I feel this way? Allow me to go into detail. 

Ladies, who are we dressing for? If you answered men, then I would have to disagree. You see, most women dress for women. Most men could care less about fashion. They only care about how it looks on us and maybe how soon they can get it off of us. The average male in 2014 does not care about what designer we are wearing. The only thing they get from hearing the designer is an estimate on how much we are willing to spend on a garment…and this could create some issues depending on your situation. Though a male created the ‘elevated heel’, we have taken it to the extreme. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy nice high heels, but it gets annoying. Most men find extreme high heels unnecessary. They acknowledge that some high heels make our legs look amazing but they also don’t care for females to complain about our feet every time we wear them. Most men would rather sacrifice seeing our legs ‘look nice in high heels’ on most dating occasions if it would silence our complaints.  

Most females worry about the judgmental glances and comments other females will say if there outfit is not “on point.” Perhaps we subconsciously tear down other females to protect our spot in the dating pool. We know most men are attracted to confident women. Most men want someone who looks nice, is nice, and fun to be around. If a girl is too busy worrying about how she looks and gets upset at every turn when I female tears her down, she may look less appealing and to much to work with, thus the male moves on. In other cases, most males does not want a female who is overly confident and who are out seeking her next pray to destroy that pray’s hopes and dreams. When this type of female is discovered, she is often single and continues to do the same thing to eliminate the dating pool competition….seems like an odd cycle….

We should not judge a female by how much her outfit cost or how high her heel is. We should encourage one another to express our own personal style and creativity. We should know there is more to us than what is on our body. Women are not as physically strong as men but mentally we are awesome! Our minds are where its at! The body is just something extra! 

Most of us desire to be like those women constantly playing a sexy character in movies or those models in magazines and commercials, but the truth is, most of those women are not what they seems to be. With today’s technology, most photos in media are edited. Even men are edited! First, let me say that the reason why women bodies sale more than men bodies is because women don’t often buy a magazine with nothing but men in it. Unfortunately, because most women control their hormones and desires in a better manner than men, the market for men magazines is very small and there is not as much money there. 

I know we don’t all want to be ‘over weight’ but is shouldn’t matter what your size is, it should only matter if you are healthy. According to some charts, I am overweight because I am 5’0 ft and I weigh between 145-150 depending on my physical activities. The charts are not accurate because I actually have a lot of muscle mass. I tend to weigh more when I am physically active than when I am doing nothing for a season and eating healthy. Currently being 145, I am not over weight. I am have been very active for all my live and I enjoy eating good healthy foods when I can. At the moment, my weight is not causing me any life threatening issues. The only thing about me is, I have a small waist and big hips! Haha! And I think I am beautiful! I will never be bone thin in a healthy way and I have accepted that. You should too! Most women that are extremely skinny are not healthy. They will have issues too so don’t get it wrong. 

Today, we all have access to some sort of editing/filter when it comes to taking photos and I am sure most of us use them. We all try to achieve that magazine look but it is not real just like us when we edit our photos to remove facial blemishes, bumps, moles, and ever freckles. It broke my heart when one of my friends wanted me to remove her freckles from one of her photos I was editing for her. I downloaded a photo editing app and I was playing around with it just to see the many possibilities that were available through this app. She sent me a photo and asked me to try it out on her. Once she seen the capabilities of this app, she asked me to completely remove her freckles. I did…and she loved it. I personally love her freckles. I think they are very unique and I wish the world would embrace them and love them as much as I do. This app made our skin look even and clear, our eyes were brighter and you could even change the shape or your eyes, jaws, lips…EVERYTHING! All our photos came out looking like a different person! There is nothing wrong with these apps however, it is very important for us to not forget what we really look like. Most of us can not afford changing ourselves to look like our edited photo so we are going to have to learn to love ourselves for what we see in the mirror and not for what we see on our finished Instagram post. If you enjoy using make-up that is fine, we have to be careful not to hide behind it thought.

Most men love a women who presents herself well. And if they are with you, then they love you for you. We should stop hiding behind the filters and war paint and allow men to truly understand what we look like so they will stop chancing that not so real fantasy women. I know we feel the pressure to look good for them too, so they wont leave us, but your job is to be you and to love your partner. Do not try to trick them with touched up photos, heavy face changing make up, butt shapers and much more. When they see you naked…you won’t have all of that…


There can be a lot more said, but I think this is enough for today. Please do not take any of this the wrong way. I love my sisters and models and actresses and I respect the jobs editors do. I just want women to began taking the proper steps forward instead of being stagnant and blaming men for our lack of progression. So remember:

*Love your self!

*Do not care about what other women are saying about you! This shouldn’t matter! (Unless you are into women)

*Remember, each and every female is in the same fight as you! We are allies, not enemies.

*You are worth more than any label you can wear.

*You have more to offer than just your body. The body is a bonus!

*When it comes to body size, the only thing that matters is being healthy. Do not compare yourself to a magazine cover chances are…IT IS A LIE!

*Editing is not the devil but it can create more issues than fix them. You are beautiful they way you are. If you edit, don’t lose yourself in it!  

And with that my Sweets! Have Thoughtful Thursday! Think on it, and do it! Let’s make a difference…for the better! 

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